Sunday, 26 May 2013

Tying method I have been messing with

Hey guys and girls thought I would just do a quick post on a tying method I have been playing with!

Using my wonderful Xero Shoes here as an example I shall do my best to give you a breakdown of how I ended up with this......

This method is nice and secure but is not adjustable so you have to make sure you get it right once or be prepared to stop and re tie! Not such a big deal unless you have made the "pretty" bit along the front like I have. ooops!

So here we go....

Start with your basic set up for tying as below...

(Based on your left foot) come up from between your toe and head down into the left hole...

Take the rope around and head under the top rope towards the heel...

Now down the hole on the inside of your foot...

Take the rope around and head under the top rope towards the top of your foot...

Well done! You have just completed your basic set up!

Most tying methods will start with this and then have the variations from it.

Right now we have our basic set up its time to move on to the method I have been messing around with....

Take the rope that is coming from the inside of your foot and head across the front of your foot towards the left hole...

Go under the heel strap around and back towards the heel.....

Off to the inside hole, under the heal strap then loop back and pass the long end of the rope through the loop and tie it off.
The only thing left to do now is to spiral the remaining rope around the strap that comes across your foot, tie it off and you are done!

I may do a follow up on this post with a short video as I understand that in writing those instructions might make your head spin!

Give it a go and let me know how you guys get on!

Have fun!


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